574.294.1499 contact@ivantseng.com

We are a multi-faceted law office that specializes in numerous practice areas.  无论情况如何,PG电子官方平台注册都有最适合的pg电子平台app新版下载为您提供建议,并帮助您做出最佳的法律选择.



At 桑德斯Pianowski, pg电子平台app新版下载事务所 professional service to our clients is our first and compelling priority.

A commitment to excellence in legal representation is the hallmark of our business practice. PG电子官方平台注册有能力, 拥有丰富的经验和资源,能够成功地为客户提供各种各样的交易性和情境性法律事务方面的咨询. pg电子平台app新版下载 in the firm have negotiated complex transactions with national and even international implications. While the core of our practice is small and medium sized firms, we also have a long and accomplished history of service to companies with locations throughout North America. The firm is small enough to be responsive on a personal basis, 但足够大,可以处理任何业务需求.


Our families and children bring us life’s greatest joy and our most endearing relationships. When you decide to make an addition to your family by adoption, 桑德斯•皮亚诺斯基pg电子平台app新版下载事务所的pg电子平台app新版下载有这方面的经验, resources and knowledge to guide you through the process and to facilitate the completion of your family. We are prepared to obtain adoptions in Indiana and Michigan, and we have successfully assisted petitioners in an extensive number of procedures through the years, 包括继父母和祖父母收养, 还有私人收养.



桑德斯Pianowski, pg电子平台app新版下载事务所拥有成熟且非常成功的上诉业务, and the Firm is widely regarded as one of the preeminent appellate law firms in Michiana. 桑德斯•皮亚诺夫斯基的pg电子平台app新版下载, pg电子平台app新版下载事务所 have successfully navigated appeals in dozens of cases in numerous state and federal courts, including the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, 印第安纳州最高法院和上诉法院. Our appellate attorneys represent clients in appeals arising from all areas of civil law, 包括人身伤害, 产品责任, 保险范围问题, contract and business disputes and a myriad of other complex issues.


桑德斯•皮亚诺夫斯基, pg电子平台app新版下载事务所定期代表贷款债权人, 贸易债权人, 企业, and other major parties-in-interest in out-of-court restructurings, 第七章, 11, 13起破产案件, 商业诉讼, 以及其他信用违约. The attorneys in the practice group are 经验d in representing secured and unsecured creditors, 委员会, 股权持有人, 投资者和收购者. The scope of our practice includes mainly counties in Northern Indiana Federal and State courts; however, PG电子官方平台注册经常在印第安纳州南区联邦法院以及全国各地的法院直接或通过PG电子官方平台注册值得信赖的当地pg电子平台app新版下载网络代理客户. PG电子官方平台注册也有几个密歇根州的许可pg电子平台app新版下载谁可以协助密歇根州的诉讼事务,因为PG电子官方平台注册位于边境地区.

PG电子官方平台注册的pg电子平台app新版下载采取亲力亲为的方式,与客户密切协商,以确定他们的商业目标. 在确保所有相关信息之后, PG电子官方平台注册与客户一起制定商业和战略规划方案,以优化客户的机会. We enjoy excellent relations with many local sources of financing and capital, PG电子官方平台注册在社区业务发展方面的广泛经验使PG电子官方平台注册的客户能够实现最大的成功潜力.

通过有效利用pg电子平台app新版下载助理, 支持人员和知识渊博的专业人员, the firm is able to provide the most capable and cost effective representation of personal representatives, 受托人和继承人. 遗产规划团队的pg电子平台app新版下载和辅助专业人员与PG电子官方平台注册的客户密切合作,以确保他们的目标得到充分实现. PG电子官方平台注册利用一切可能的手段,尽量减少客户的联邦遗产税和州遗产税负债,并尽量减少延迟和复杂性,将财富转移给合适的受益人.


Mike Pianowski has built a solid reputation of expertise in estate planning, 他的领导提高了遗产规划团队的pg电子平台app新版下载帮助客户实现家族和企业继承目标的能力. Employing a multi-disciplinary approach and the latest legal techniques, PG电子官方平台注册pg电子平台app新版下载努力工作,以确保PG电子官方平台注册的客户以最有效和最有成效的方式实现他们的财富转移目标, while minimizing tax liability and preserving assets for the benefits of the client’s beneficiaries. 在公司存在期间, PG电子官方平台注册的重点是协助个人作出适当的选择,以满足其家庭的经济和安全需要.


PG电子官方平台注册就婚姻法的各个方面向家庭提供咨询, 包括婚前协议, 解散(离婚), 合法分居, 房产部门, 子女监护权和探视权, 配偶的维护, 亲子鉴定, 以及相关领域. 桑德斯•皮亚诺斯基, pg电子平台app新版下载事务所, the emphasis is on finding creative solutions to legal problems, and that emphasis is especially relevant in the area of family law. PG电子官方平台注册的声誉在于PG电子官方平台注册能够在没有不必要的法律干预的情况下将各方聚集在一起解决争端. 这是通过积极主动地满足客户的需求来实现的,通过寻求保护他们的家庭免受不必要的和潜在破坏性的对抗性诉讼. 然而, 当诉讼不可避免时, our clients appreciate the firm’s reputation for vigorous and tenacious advocacy.


当家庭有必要考虑指定一名监护人以保护未成年人或无行为能力的成年人的人身或财产时, PG电子官方平台注册pg电子平台app新版下载随时准备提供及时, 高效率及具成本效益的服务. 桑德斯·皮亚诺斯基pg电子平台app新版下载事务所的pg电子平台app新版下载, pg电子平台app新版下载事务所 are knowledgeable of Indiana and Michigan law relating to guardianships, PG电子官方平台注册在指导监护人遵守法律规定和程序方面有丰富的经验. We work closely with family members to insure that assets are identified, preserved and reported in accordance with statutory mandates, PG电子官方平台注册与银行合作, accountants and financial institutions as necessary to provide the maximum benefit to the protected person.


桑德斯•皮亚诺夫斯基, pg电子平台app新版下载事务所致力于帮助个人, 为埃尔克哈特县及周边县的家庭和企业提供广泛的移民解决方案.  PG电子官方平台注册PG电子官方平台注册的可访问性和响应性感到自豪,因为PG电子官方平台注册了解移民过程的复杂性和压力.  PG电子官方平台注册理解家庭团聚的重要性, 吸引和留住熟练的劳动力,遵守I-9记录保存和移民合规事宜.


这家公司在保险业务方面有着深厚的根基. 该公司的创始成员之一Philip E. 拜伦,小., was widely regarded as the premier insurance defense practitioner in northern Indiana. 鲍勃·桑德斯延续了这一传统, 谁 practiced in the insurance defense field for more than thirty-five years before retiring a short time ago, and with the firm’s other attorneys 谁 continue to practice in insurance defense matters.


The firm has a long and distinguished history of representation of employers in every phase of labor law.  特别是, 本所pg电子平台app新版下载曾成功地代表客户在法庭和劳动仲裁机构处理不当解雇案件, unfair labor practice and election cases before the National Labor Relations Board, and employment discrimination cases in state and federal courts and agencies. 本所的劳动和就业pg电子平台app新版下载曾代表客户在行政机关处理各种各样的索赔, 包括申请失业救济金, social security proceedings and wage and hour claims under the Fair Labor Standards Act.


桑德斯•皮亚诺夫斯基, 几十年来,pg电子平台app新版下载事务所在印第安纳州北部和密歇根州的审判和诉讼实践中树立了重要的声誉.  马特·耶基(Matt Yeakey)是该公司的首席pg电子平台app新版下载,他曾在该地区的州和联邦法院向陪审团和法官审理案件. 桑德斯•皮亚诺斯基, pg电子平台app新版下载事务所, the emphasis is on finding creative solutions to legal problems. PG电子官方平台注册的声誉在于PG电子官方平台注册能够在没有不必要的法律干预的情况下将各方聚集在一起解决争端. 这是通过积极主动地满足客户需求来实现的,通过深思熟虑的战略规划,寻求保护客户免受潜在风险的影响. 然而, 当诉讼不可避免时, our clients appreciate the firm’s reputation for vigorous and tenacious advocacy. 本所的特点是在处理客户法律事务方面具有成功和具有成本效益的经验.


合并与收购 law has become a major component of the firm’s practice, 由迈克·皮亚诺夫斯基领导, 谁处理过五百多笔交易. 桑德斯•皮亚诺夫斯基, pg电子平台app新版下载事务所 attorneys have represented buyers and sellers of 企业 in asset, 股票, 混合交易, 当复杂的商业交易需要创新的解决方案时,PG电子官方平台注册已经赢得了密歇根州首选pg电子平台app新版下载事务所的声誉. PG电子官方平台注册的客户还受益于每个实践小组能够利用其他小组pg电子平台app新版下载的技能和才能来帮助解决特定问题或机会. We believe that an integrated team approach not only produces sound legal advice, but also helps achieve the optimum practical result for a client’s business. Our attorneys pride ourselves on our accessibility and responsiveness. PG电子官方平台注册的知识, 经验, 对成功的承诺为PG电子官方平台注册的客户提供了实现并购事宜最终目标的最佳机会.


桑德斯•皮亚诺夫斯基, pg电子平台app新版下载事务所 enjoys a reputation as one of the foremost personal injury litigation firms in the area. Our trial attorneys have successfully represented injured parties in all manner of claims, from the simplest vehicle collision through the most complex 产品责任 and medical malpractice cases. We have access to a full panoply of experts and consultants, 桑德斯·皮亚诺斯基pg电子平台app新版下载事务所的诉讼pg电子平台app新版下载, pg电子平台app新版下载事务所随时准备并能够承担最艰巨的案件,并确保充分和公平的赔偿给应得的客户.


罗伯特·C. 丹尼尔斯, 公司的创始成员之一, 将他的专业实践奉献给了不动产法, and he was acknowledged as the premier expert in his field by local banks, 房地产经纪人和产权代理. That legacy of excellence has been continued by the other members of the 房地产 team, 谁, 与其他专业人士密切合作, represent clients in matters ranging from simple leases through complex and innovative real estate transfers. 桑德斯•皮亚诺斯基, pg电子平台app新版下载事务所, the emphasis is on finding creative solutions to legal problems. PG电子官方平台注册的声誉在于PG电子官方平台注册有能力在没有不必要的法律干预的情况下将各方聚集在一起实现目标. PG电子官方平台注册的客户还受益于每个实践小组能够利用其他小组pg电子平台app新版下载的技能和才能来帮助解决特定问题或机会. We believe that an integrated team approach not only produces sound legal advice, but also helps achieve the optimum practical result for a client’s business and real estate needs. PG电子官方平台注册PG电子官方平台注册的可访问性和响应性感到自豪. PG电子官方平台注册的知识, 经验, 对成功的承诺为PG电子官方平台注册的客户提供了在房地产法律领域实现其商业和个人目标的最佳机会.